Ben Proffitt


Mr Ben is one class act. A modern gentleman ane a genuine British stand-up comic traveling the globe in search of all things gold. Ambidextrous and equally adapted to all environments worldwide. Very versatile. Ben has the gift of being able to stay sharp yet never force the issue. He’s having more fun than you. Ben’s the man!

Sail no: K-800
On Simmer since: 2005
Discipline: Wave, Slalom, Foiling… the bar
Home spot: Sagres, Portugal
Favorite places for travel: Cape Town, West Oz, Maui
Sail of choice: Blacktip, Icon for high-wind jumping
Boards: Flywave, Quantex, Monster, 3XS, Blackbird
Other sponsors: O’Neill
Instagram: @benproffitt

Ben Proffitt´s quiver

22/23 S-Max

22/23 V-Max

22/23 Enduro

G6 Blackbird WS

G6 Monster

G6 Helix

G6 Freemove

G6 Flywave

G6 Quantex

22/23 Icon

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