The Simmer Style family is devastated.

A great friend has left us way too soon. It is hard to accept and will take time to sink in. I will miss our daily phone calls, one of the highlights of my day. So many times, we talked for hours, forgetting why we called each other.

You always believed in us and pushed us to reach beyond our goals. You did not follow molds; you lived your life colored by your passion for the sport; breaking speed records and pushing everyone in your surroundings to do better. You were and will continue to be a true inspiration to us all.

I always appreciated that you offered me a half pint of warm Guinness when we completed a new design.

I will wait for the rest of my life for the phone call you were supposed to give me yesterday after you tried our new project on your last run.

I am lost for words.

Farewell, my friend.
